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Sedona Quantum Consciousess - Tachyon Healing Blog​
... Spiritual Healing ... Activation ... Ascension ... & Quantum Joy

Writer's pictureAda Tourtsakis

What are “Tachyons” and how do they assist in healing, rejuvenation & longevity?

Updated: Nov 8, 2024

According to documentation in the field of quantum physics - tachyons are sub-atomic particles that travel faster than the speed of light and beyond time, unlike electrons … neutrons & protons. Because  tachyons are the highest frequency particles that can be combined with matter, nothing negative, unhealthy or unnatural can co-exist with them.

Tachyons for healing ... right here in Sedona!

As a result, when combined with human tissue & electrical system, any diseased … aged … or damaged cells are entrained with the extreme high frequency of tachyon particles and thus restored to their optimum state of health. It’s documented that not even damaging electro-magnetic radiation (EMF) from things like cell towers & WiFi can even exists with tachyons around.

Wormhole connection to Genesis-II Satellite for Tachyon Chamber particles in Sedona
Wormhole connection to Genesis-II Satellite for Tachyon Chamber particles in Sedona

Why has such a breakthrough not been applied in healing, medicine & wellness before?

Apart from their extreme high frequency vibration, which has prevented scientists from even being able to measure tachyons…  tachyons are scattered throughout outer space and very few of them reach the earth’s surface. This explains astronauts’ reports of experiences of ‘euphoria’ once they leave earth’s atmosphere, (citation links are below).

Utilizing a quartz oscillator crystal, located aboard the Genesis II spacecraft, the developer of the Tachyon Chambers has created a hyper-dimensional wormhole which bypasses earth’s magnetic field & funnels tachyons into a healing chamber, thus facilitating their transfer from outer space into the physical & electro-magnetic matter of the clients’ body, when the client is in the Tachyon Chamber.

A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of one's being. Amazing experiences have been reported, including spontaneous emotional,  physical & psychological healing. (Testimonials are included below).

We believe this is one of the most effective methods to improve quality of life, as it removes the physical causes of many diseases and imbalances in our bodies.

Furthermore, because tachyons decrease the entropy of physical matter, the aging process is reversed and the immune system strengthened. 


This 4 min interview of Dr Joseph McNamara explains:

More in depth explanation (52 mins) provided by Dr Joseph here:

And here are some of the experiences people have had with this Pleiadean Designed Tachyon Chamber

The tachyon chamber affords an opportunity to tap into our potential outside of space and time. Blessings on your exciting journey of rejuvenation.

 -Dr. Joe

My sessions in the Tachyon Chamber last May have helped me in a true process of rejuvenation. I do not need a walking stick any more, have much more energy and feel much younger. The pains I had in my legs and injured hip have disappeared. I find life extremely interesting, knowing that we are getting help from higher dimensions. Thank you so very much, Dr. Joe. Your valuable work is greatly appreciated.


Just wanted to say that I feel amazing after doing three sessions. Before I went to the Tachyon Counseling Place, I was told that I need a hip replacement. I was on a cane and the only relief that I could get was to lie in bed. Thankfully, after three sessions, which were over this past weekend, I am no longer in pain and even took my dogs on a 1.5 mile walk today as well as did 9 loads of laundry, made dinner, cleaned up after dinner, and took some things down two flights of stairs to the basement for storage. This Tachyon Chamber was great and I am so, so thrilled to have found it as well as Dr. Joe.

-Dale Marie Walton

Try it! I really urge everyone to try this amazingly intelligent technology. I have had radical healings in body, mind, spirit and deep emotions. During multiple sessions, deep energetic currents brought healing to my joints, brain, eyes, and digestive system. I also had a major heart healing in which I am certain heart disease was prevented. How can words ever express my deepest gratitude. Let’s open our minds to new possibilities not known my medicine, new mysteries not understood by science, and personal miracles never before dreamed. There is a mighty healing power in the universe and the Tachyon Healing Chamber focuses it exactly on you. Thank you!


I and my son experienced the chambers for 5 sessions in October, 2017. My son has a chronic condition related to vaccine injury; he was the motivation for attending the chamber. It is notable that he felt the effects of the chamber’s energies specifically at points on his body related to the immune system: thymus, appendix, thyroid and spleen; this is significant in that immune system compromise is the root of his issues. In addition, he reported that he felt very relaxed, which can be difficult for him to achieve given the nature of the discomforts that he experiences on a regular basis. Is he cured of his imbalances and damage? No. However, I believe the chambers confirmed the source of his issues, and helped kick start a process. I also entered the chamber for 3 sessions, and had what can only be called profound spiritual experiences related to chakra balancing. Also, my ability to enter into a deep relaxation was interesting; it was if the chamber took me into my inner being with little effort. I also noted that my mind was active on a third dimensional level as if I was watching the higher dimensional events from the 3D perspective. The only comparable experience is lucid dreaming in which one seems to step away from the dreaming self and watch events unfold while experiencing the effects of the events simultaneously. I have experienced this in a waking, meditative states; however, it requires intense focus to reach this state – within the chamber it occurred with ease. The experience, overall, was amazing and worth the trip!


I recently completed 5 sessions in the chamber. I have been diagnosed with PTSD (from Iraq) & Fibromyalgia for over a decade. I tried the traditional medical route for quite a few years, only compounding my initial problems. I began as an active man in my early-twenties, regularly running/hiking/weightlifting/etc. Over time, I deteriorated physically, eventually becoming confined to my bedroom for stretches of time. I got to where I needed a cane to stand up and walk about my living space. My energy level was incredibly low, my emotions/moods all over the place.

A few years ago, I hit an even lower rock-bottom (physically & otherwise) than I had ever previously. This caused me to enact a wholesale lifestyle change. I tried various herbs/vitamins/supplements/magnesium/nutrigenomic protocols/dietary changes/etc, as well as a lot of therapy (emotional & physical). I did improve a great deal from all that. I still had to watch myself though, ‘count my spoons’ aka budget my limited energy levels. While less obvious to someone who did not know me, I still had major limitations compared to the average healthy man in their ‘peak years’.

After the chamber: In the morning, following my fourth session, I found myself on the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway, and 1.5 hrs later, I had hiked up & back down the “strenuous 700+ ft climb” to the top of Humpback Rocks. If possible, the view from the summit is incredible! It was not an easy hike, but it would have been impossible before the chamber! Praise the One from whom all blessings flow!

It’s been a week, and since the 5 sessions, I’ve had much higher energy levels, and my body-wide network of solid muscle knots has been loosening up & healing! I cannot describe in words how grateful I am to have finally made, not only some progress, but such incredible results! Blessings to Dr. Joe for simply being Who he IS, for bringing healing to so many, including myself! Let us never forget to Thank & Praise the Source of all Light!

-Anon Soldier

My partner and I just had 5 treatments over 3 days during spring break. It was our only vacation in 2 years, I was suffering from a sinus infection but we found a house sitter and left. We drove from 2 states away and arrived at 4:30 after an 8 hr drive and had our first session, I used my first session as a meditative time, off I floated into a totally relaxing reverie. I certainly was not expecting after the drive to be so energized afterward and uplifted with total peace of mind and laughing while we left, I suddenly realized an epiphany about myself, I had an ah-ha moment that explained one of my character defects that suddenly no longer haunted me.

Driving back to the hotel I realized I could make a fist in both hands with no pain and I could breathe and Sinus headaches were gone and at the time of writing this 5 days later still no pain. The next 4 sessions were even better. Our visit on Sunday was very special because we all did the World Meditation together.

So in conclusion my treatments made me aware of my triggers, helped me spiritually purge,I can now remember my dreams better and they are more lucid, I feel plugged into the Quantum field nearer to Prime Creator, keep my phone and wifi turned OFF much more (seems short term info does not interest me that much anymore) where as even though I have always been an animal and nature lover, I am more so now.


-Marco from Ohio

So check our calendar now at Sedona Quantum Tachyon Healing & book, to experience this yourself, at:

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