Out of all healing centers in Sedona, why does this one stand out?
You get the synergy of 3 powerful technologies ... for that pivot to a higher timeline.
It is true that some Sedona healing centers tend to be on or near major vortexes, which amplifies healing.
Yet you may want to consider an even more unique Sedona healing center that takes this advantage to the next level.
Actually ... several levels up.
This Healing Center in Sedona combines three, already powerful stand-alone healing technologies that cover the three main categories needed for real breakthroughs ... which are your:
& soul.
When each these three categories are addressed within ONE healing regime ... you simply get bigger breakthroughs.
However, these require different technologies specific to each of them.
1) The Mind.
To truly receive healing & achieve personal breakthroughs, the mind has to:
let go ... of the rigidity & extremely limited nature of the left-hemisphere that isn't deigned for problem solving & access to intuition/psychic abilities waiting to be awakened with you
balance the two hemispheres for heightened intuition & better insight
and gain the ability to easily move into the right hemisphere when needed, because of it's non-linear nature & ability to solve problems & make better decisions.
Without working on your neurology & specific parts of your brain, your ability to truly RECEIVE ... integrate ... assimilate ... thus make the most of what Sedona healing centers have to offer, tends to be more limited.
This is why at Sedona Quantum Tachyon Healing, we've added the amazing:

Advanced Light & Sound Machine [Amplified Meditation Lamp] ...
... which is a healthy alternative to damaging plant 'medicine' (damaging to DNA & aura) for that true & vivid experience with the non-physical realms because it moves your consciousness into the right-hemisphere of your brain seamlessly ... without effort. Great for intuitive insight, a brain bath and much more.
It stimulates & activates crucial parts of your brain within:
your game-changing right-hemisphere, for better psychic abilities
balances both hemispheres, so they communicate better with each other so you receive & interpret intuitive insights instead of passing them off as fleeting thoughts or not noticing them at all
re-wires you brain far more than regular brain-wave meditation audios because of the visual component provided by specially designed flicker rates.
this increases the performance of your brain, and allows you mentally 'let go' ... to better receive the next two healing technologies below!
With your brain covered, lets move onto:
2) The Soul.
It's your Soul, that is your foundation!
Without ...
re-connecting with it MORE, to receive its higher intelligence & stand with confidence because of its vast 'bigness' and immortality
realigning with it, to discover & better fulfill your purpose to avoid wondering around in life aimlessly
express itself more though your incarnation ... because your Soul is who you are after all, and your foundation. Without this covered, life is either unfulfilling or an endless struggle.
For this, we have the Tachyon Chamber.
This is so proprietary (of a Pleiadean 'off-world' nature) that we can't even show you a photo of it.
So, we'll show you a picture of how important your Soul is as the foundation of your life, to anything or everything that you do or try to achieve your goals & dreams:

It bathes you & your aura with super-higher frequency particles Source first ever created. So tachyon particles are quite primordial in nature.
This gently 'ushers out' layers of negativity within your vast & complex organic that stand between you & your Soul.
Tachyon particles don't reach the surface of the earth,
which is why they're so special & hard to come by.
Sedona Tachyon Healing's chamber is literally 'wormhole connected' to Genesis II Satellite, where a special but similar chamber 'contraption' sits on rented space in this Satellite, bringing you the clearing, healing, super-high frequency particles that is the nature of Tachyon particles!
With this crucial foundation covered, your ready for:
3) Body.

The Theragem Photonic Light w/Rife Frequencies works on your physical organs for further healing & activation.
It has the hundreds of different Rife frequencies for specific ailments, acute or chronic conditions & coherent photonic light to reactivate your cells' natural abilities to heal them selves!
And it gets better ...
The 'gem' in Theragem refers to the untapped Eastern secrets of healing properties from different gem & sapphire stones.
Such a trifecta provides powerful, natural & gentle treatment to physical diseases or conditions you might have, whatever it may be.
You name it ... we probably have a Rife frequency & gem-stone for it!
This gets the energy flowing in stuck parts of your body, for that accelerated spiritual journey upward in frequency ... purpose ... and joy.
With these three categories covered ... you get the most out of your trip to Sedona, for that Sedona experience you're truly hoping for.
You can book one or two of these amazing technologies separately, and we do have discounted packages if you'd love to use all three.
You can learn more & book your appointment here!
And it gets better!
It's crucial your upward journey continues
when you leave Sedona!
You can leave Sedona with something amazing, to continue your upward journey if timeline & frequencies.
Sedona Tachyon healing has partnered with a special, unique and ROBUST healer who's created special guided Shadow Work Audios that seem to stand-out on their own.
They allow you to become you're own healer ... without the expense of always hiring psychics & energy healers all the time.
So you SAVE money ... take charge ... and avoid leave Sedona without those withdrawal symptoms that come with the end of a trip.
Instead, you'll leave with a confidence & excited anticipation of what awaits you!
Sedona Tachyon Healing Team ...